9월, 2022의 게시물 표시

아이 히나츠루와 아이 야사진의 환상 모험 1화

아이 히나츠루와 아이 야사진의 환상 모험 1화 Mega DriveSecret Shop While in the scenario setup menu, press A, B, A, B, ↑, ↓, ←, →, Start, B. You will hear a sound effect if successful. The item shop will now have most of the items in the game available to purchase. Super Secret Shop While in the scenario setup menu, press B, Start, →, ←, ↓, ↑, B, A, B, A, ↑, ↓, ←, →, Start. You will hear an explosion sound effect if successful. The item shop will now have __all__ the items in the game available to purchase. Scenario Select At the save loading screen, highlight any scenario save and press ←, →, Start, C. You can now select __any__ scenario in the game to play using the data of the selected save. Sound Test Move the cursor to the (2,2) position(upper left corner is 1,1 as reference) in any battle map then press and hold B for more than 2 seconds. You can now select any BGM or sound effect and play it using ↑ and ↓ and confirming with C, press B to cancel. Debug Mode Highlight an empty square on the map and...

Army (Donkey Kong Country)

Army (Donkey Kong Country) Army Armies first appear in Donkey Kong Country; they attack by rolling into a ball and careening toward the Kongs. Donkey Kong can defeat an Army by jumping on it once, regardless if the enemy is inside its shell or not. Diddy Kong must jump on an Army twice to defeat it, as when he jumps on a curled up Army, Diddy forces it to its normal position. While an Army is not curled up, Diddy can jump on it another time to defeat it. Armies are the fifth and final pair of enemies that Dumb Drum releases during the boss fight, Boss Dumb Drum. In the Game Boy Advance version, Donkey Kong can Hand Slap an Army to obtain a photograph for the first page of the scrapbook.